Sunday, November 25, 2012

How To Make Article Marketing Work - Solutions to Help You Think Of A Strong Strategy For Your Biz

There are many people who are unaware of the various benefits associated with the article marketing. Article marketing today, has emerged as one of the most popular modes of marketing and many business owners online have acknowledged this fact. Now you have article which are well written and can help you grab customers, but wonder how to male article marketing work?

In this article we will discuss on how to make article marketing work?

First of all, you must submit the quality written articles to any of the top article directories. You can search yourself or ask others for the best available article directories. Most of the article directories upload and entertain original content only. Any duplicates and common or poorly written content is not uploaded and goes waste. Top article directories have thousands or may be even more visitors each single day and the frequency of articles uploaded each day is also very high. So if you post quality content, then there are maximum chances of that content being viewed by many people. All of the article s must be written according to latest SEO techniques, so that your ranking in search engines goes higher.

Also, make sure that the content in your articles has been crafted well. If the articles lack composition or are of poor quality you will lose attention. You have to keep this thing in mind that, your goal is not about fetching some bylines. You want your content to be read publicly and appreciated of its quality and uniqueness. This will earn you a good reputation and make you an expert and a qualified person of your field. This certainly cannot be achieved with the help of poorly written articles and people will perceive that, you are not an expert in your field and would not buy them.

Your blog posts and articles must not be all about deliberate selling pieces, this is not a joke. Article must provide useful information and guidelines to the user, instead of promoting something. If you try to sell some service or product within your article, people might sense favoritism or an ill feeling, which will divert them to any other positive content. So you have to avoid these mistakes and manage a good article marketing strategy.

Above discussed are the points which will help you in making article marketing work in a positive manner for you, provided all the tips are taken care of properly. This will for sure help your business in the long run and provide maximum opportunities for an online growth. All you need to do is manage the content properly and refresh it from time to time.

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Authors: The Only Marketing Secret You Need To Know

Since you are reading this, it is pretty clear that you are already aware of the popularity and prospective value of information based marketing. It's so popular that there are more than enough articles on the Web to keep the average person reading for several lifetimes, even without taking time out for a coffee break.

However, there has been a basic fact that many aspiring writing marketers have fallen prey to avoiding, and it is this: effective marketing involves more than putting a bunch of words together in an article format, throwing your link up, and waiting for the big bucks to roll in. If that's your mindset, you've got a rocky road ahead of you. But don't despair, because if you're open to the idea that your strategy up to now is not going to take you to Millionaire Avenue, and you're willing to reconsider and restructure your approach, chances are pretty good that success will not elude you.

Here is something you need to make yourself aware of, if you're not already: the reason you write is to inform people. People are not jumping fences to find resource boxes with links they can click on just so your bank account balance will hit the high digits. No one cares about that - except you, of course.

But here's the secret that will change it all for you (a secret to many, and only a relatively select few top-quality writers out there have a handle on this): Remember "The Golden Rule." Ask yourself this question: "Why would I read an article?" Once you come up with the honest answer to that question, your entire perspective of writing will change. That's right, you're not the only one who reads articles to learn something valuable. People are in it for themselves. However, as a writer, you have to remember that and create content that is for others, not for you... and certainly not with the primary focus on your making money.

Write from the heart and the rest will follow. If you write an article while your first and foremost reason is to get people to click on that resource box, then it's almost inevitable that the quality of your article will suffer at least to some extent. So, that said, get into what you're writing and have a passion for it. Keep in mind that not a person in the world is interested in giving you a buck if you're not willing to give something worth more than that buck in return.

When it comes to submitting your articles to article directories, you'll notice that guidelines are set in place. They are there for a reason. They're not there to make your life difficult. Remember, directories need you to thrive, too, and when you really think about it, they put those guidelines in play to help you maintain the integrity of your content and, ultimately, your reputation as well as theirs. More important than any of that, the reader enjoys a quality experience.

Now, here's the real secret to effectively dealing with article directory submissions: don't "try" to fall within guidelines. Does that seem contradictory? It's not in the least bit. Consider this. If you honestly write for the benefit of your readers, you will naturally adhere to guidelines. You won't have to go crazy with keywords, conforming to rules, etc. In short, write with integrity and everything falls into place. Don't act with an intention to "trick" anyone. Again, treat others as you would want to be treated. Write as if you were writing for a reader who is looking for the same quality that you would be.

There is no way around this, and that's a good thing. When you truly act from a standpoint of integrity, everyone wins. That includes your readers (most important), you and the directory that you are submitting to. When it's a win/win/win situation, there's only room for success. Yes, that includes the results that you ultimately want. So, it's a bit of a paradox, isn't it? Don't be focused on your rewards and you'll get them. As you act as your own judge regarding all of this, here's a promise: you can try all the marketing tactics in the world, but nothing will bring home the bacon that good, clean, public-serving intentions will. You can take that to the bank. It's one deposit whose interest will accumulate quite rapidly - and at a very high rate of return.

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Article Websites: Where Should You Submit Your Articles For Free Submission

Article websites when you think about writing are articles as a form of marketing, you might be wondering where should you submit your articles. A lot of people use paid article submission websites not knowing that there are websites with high page ranks that Google likes and you will generate leads and income from your articles.

By the time you are done reading this article you will have an idea of some of the top websites that are ranked high by Google and will bring you a lot of traffic and leads and income. The type of article submission websites that we will be describing below are free and are popular in Google's eyes and Google will put in the top listings of Google's first page based off your keywords.

Article websites: where should you submit your articles for free submission

1. Hubpages: Is like the big brother this is the first place you would want to submit your articles. If you create and article make sure you submit it to hubpages first and no where else not even your blog. Once your article is submitted then you can add it to other website for instance the articles we talk about in this website. When you create and account with hubpages make sure that you read the guidelines so you are aware of what you can and cannot do.

2. Suite 101: Is another large place to submit your articles to. Once you have submitted and gotten your hubpages published this is a website that I would submit your article to. Also make sure that you check out suite101's guidelines and well to ensure that your article is published.

3. Article dashboard: Is a solid website that is ranked very well on Google and is the next website that I would submit the article that is published with hubpages.

4. Go-articles: Claims to be one of the webs largest free content article directory. Make sure that you check the guidelines to ensure that your articles get published so you can start getting leads and income. Especially if this is going to be one of your sources of income.

5. Articlebase: Has lots of content and a lot of syndication experts give this website praise.

The Article Websites that I describe above are not only the websites you should submit to submit to as many as you can the only website that I would submit to first and thane submit to the websites above and other websites would be hubpages. Make sure that when you are submitting to other websites try to spin the article a little when you submit to each website.

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Publish An Ezine Or Newsletter And Connect With Your Readers In A Whole New Way

Ezines or email newsletters are actually much more powerful than most folks realize. But you must first start by appreciating a very important point here. There is a huge difference between the emails you usually send out to your list regularly and a good informative ezine with plenty of useful information for your target audience.

You must remember that the prospects on your list regularly get bombarded by emails desperately trying to sell them something and it often gets pretty irritating. This is exactly why your email newsletter needs to be a breath of fresh air to your audience.

Picture your prospect receiving your newsletter where they see your email as they scroll down the huge amount of mail they have in their inbox. What is their reaction. Do they look for the delete button before they even open it? Or do they frown, not sure of exactly what to expect from you this time?

The best reaction you are looking for is possibly a smile as they halt everything else to hurriedly open your email. But at the very least they will sit back relax and read your offering. If this is the kind of reaction you get out then you have a very valuable marketing and communicating tool in your hands.

There are numerous benefits and advantages of having your very own ezine with readers who eagerly look forward to hearing from you regularly. It gives you the unique chance of having a very strong connection with them that you can exploit to really build and strengthen your brand. What is your brand? It is certainly not your logo or the way you write the name of your business. Your brand is you, the definition of your business and what you stand for in the eyes of the public. Your brand should portray expertise in your field and an authority of sorts which your ezine is perfectly suited to help you communicate very effectively.

A good favorable image is better than money in the bank because it will always help you get customers in droves.

Your newsletter is also the most effective way to direct traffic to new content on your website or blog. Always direct your readers to something useful and interesting on your site.

If you are already sending out marketing emails, chances are that you are wondering why you have such a high rate of people unsubscribing. The perfect solution is introducing a useful newsletter that tells your target audience more about you and what you stand for through useful information and valuable stuff that they will appreciate having.

If you do a good job with your email newsletter you may just find that you do not even need those boring repetitive emails that keep going out through your email auto responder.

To produce the kind of powerful ezine that we have been talking about throughout this article it is important that you do lots of research focusing on what your readers and prospects really want and are looking for, and then supply it.

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How To Get Started With Ezine Advertising

One of the best methods of building your list of email subscribers is to do some form of ezine advertising.

If you have been trying to build a list using free resources such as video social and article marketing I expect it is taking much longer than you would have hoped.

The truth is you must be adding a huge amount of content to the web if you are even going to be found by the search engines and even then it could be months or years before the effort pays off.

The truth is you must regard free marketing strategies as a long term method for generating leads.They will come eventually but they will take time.

The trouble is you do not have that time.You want to see an income coming in now.You may already be spending money on internet marketing products and want to see a return on your investment.

To get that you must have paid advertising as part of your marketing strategy. You can go down the Google AdWords route but unless you know what you are doing it could end up costing you a lot of money.

You must pay Google for every click that happens on your ads regardless of whether you get a sale or not. If your offer is not persuasive then you will get no sales.

With Ezine Ads you pay a fixed fee which can potentially give you a lot more clicks than you would otherwise get with Google.

The more clicks you have the lower is the cost per click whereas with AdWords the more clicks you get the more you pay.

So how do you go about finding a placing an ad.

Go to Google and then type in the word or words that is your niche followed by the word "ezine" or "newsletter."

This will bring all the ezine or newsletters that operate in your niche. Then go to an ezine website and see if they accept ads.

There are five types of ads solo, banner, classified, sponsored and advertorial.

The most effective but the most expensive are solo ads and sponsored.Sponsored ads can be placed at the top middle or bottom of the newsletter however at the top will get the most clicks.

Next write your ad with a compelling headline, list the benefits of the product and finish with a call to action.

If they ad gets you clicks then list it again with the same ezine only this time change the headline and see if that ad does better.If it does keep on changing it until you have an ad that you cannot better.

Then if it makes you money in excess of the cost of advertising, run it forever.

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How To Make Money Online With Article Marketing

The trick to make money online is to first have a website, once you have that the easy part is just ahead of you. It doesn't matter what kind of website you have as long as it is not adult oriented, the best thing to do is sell a product, promote something, or just have a site with Google AdSense on it. Now that you have the site ready to start making money you need to get traffic to it and the best way to do that is with article marketing. Most people don't understand the full power or article marketing and that is why they just aren't making money but the fact of the matter is you can make money online with article marketing and here's how.

The first thing you need to do is write a bunch of high quality articles related to your website and then submit them to a few different articles directories. The reason why I say only a few article directories is because search engines are cracking down on copied content and that is why you need to create as many good original articles as you can. My advice is to write at least 4 articles each day and submit them to at least 5 different article directories.

The next thing you need to do in order to make sure your articles get seen is bookmark them using,, or The reason why you need to bookmark your articles is so that they get some traffic in order to get your website that little boost it needs. Another thing that bookmarks do is give you some links that will help you get more traffic and can also provide some link weight which will help you move up the search engine rankings.

Tips to make money with article marketing

Write daily - If you are not writing articles daily then you are not writing enough. Article marketing in spurts is just not enough, the more articles you can write the more traffic you will get and finally the more money you will make.

Have a good title - Would you have read this article if it was entitled, "Article marketing earns cash"? My guess is probably not and that is why you need a good informative title that will make your readers want to click on it and read it. Just know that in order to earn cash online you first need to have traffic get to your site and nobody ever will if you don't come up with any good titles.

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