Article websites when you think about writing are articles as a form of marketing, you might be wondering where should you submit your articles. A lot of people use paid article submission websites not knowing that there are websites with high page ranks that Google likes and you will generate leads and income from your articles.
By the time you are done reading this article you will have an idea of some of the top websites that are ranked high by Google and will bring you a lot of traffic and leads and income. The type of article submission websites that we will be describing below are free and are popular in Google's eyes and Google will put in the top listings of Google's first page based off your keywords.
Article websites: where should you submit your articles for free submission
1. Hubpages: Is like the big brother this is the first place you would want to submit your articles. If you create and article make sure you submit it to hubpages first and no where else not even your blog. Once your article is submitted then you can add it to other website for instance the articles we talk about in this website. When you create and account with hubpages make sure that you read the guidelines so you are aware of what you can and cannot do.
2. Suite 101: Is another large place to submit your articles to. Once you have submitted and gotten your hubpages published this is a website that I would submit your article to. Also make sure that you check out suite101's guidelines and well to ensure that your article is published.
3. Article dashboard: Is a solid website that is ranked very well on Google and is the next website that I would submit the article that is published with hubpages.
4. Go-articles: Claims to be one of the webs largest free content article directory. Make sure that you check the guidelines to ensure that your articles get published so you can start getting leads and income. Especially if this is going to be one of your sources of income.
5. Articlebase: Has lots of content and a lot of syndication experts give this website praise.
The Article Websites that I describe above are not only the websites you should submit to submit to as many as you can the only website that I would submit to first and thane submit to the websites above and other websites would be hubpages. Make sure that when you are submitting to other websites try to spin the article a little when you submit to each website.
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