The trick to make money online is to first have a website, once you have that the easy part is just ahead of you. It doesn't matter what kind of website you have as long as it is not adult oriented, the best thing to do is sell a product, promote something, or just have a site with Google AdSense on it. Now that you have the site ready to start making money you need to get traffic to it and the best way to do that is with article marketing. Most people don't understand the full power or article marketing and that is why they just aren't making money but the fact of the matter is you can make money online with article marketing and here's how.
The first thing you need to do is write a bunch of high quality articles related to your website and then submit them to a few different articles directories. The reason why I say only a few article directories is because search engines are cracking down on copied content and that is why you need to create as many good original articles as you can. My advice is to write at least 4 articles each day and submit them to at least 5 different article directories.
The next thing you need to do in order to make sure your articles get seen is bookmark them using,, or The reason why you need to bookmark your articles is so that they get some traffic in order to get your website that little boost it needs. Another thing that bookmarks do is give you some links that will help you get more traffic and can also provide some link weight which will help you move up the search engine rankings.
Tips to make money with article marketing
Write daily - If you are not writing articles daily then you are not writing enough. Article marketing in spurts is just not enough, the more articles you can write the more traffic you will get and finally the more money you will make.
Have a good title - Would you have read this article if it was entitled, "Article marketing earns cash"? My guess is probably not and that is why you need a good informative title that will make your readers want to click on it and read it. Just know that in order to earn cash online you first need to have traffic get to your site and nobody ever will if you don't come up with any good titles.
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